This is my blog and as you can see my name is Yang, obviously the one on the left here. This is my personal blog where I write about my thoughts on books, films, events I go to and just generaly everything I want to write about. I was an Oundle School student who have just graduated, going to uni. I am from Beijing but I have been in England since prep school (year 7), so british at this point. I have only just started writing a blog now that I have the time, this is something I have always wanted to do for a long time now.
I am very interested in a lot of things, I read a lot of different books from philosophy to litereature, I cook at home and try different cuts of meat and methods of cooking over time, I watch a lot of films as well, love the french new wave. I just started using Goodreads and Letterboxd where you can see what I have read or watched. I hope you subscribe to my blog and if you have anything to ask or send please you the contact section.